Things our clients have said about our service over the years..........
"I am interested in any courses you will be offering. I am enjoying learning your charts and I am excited about them."
Gary Donson
"I wish I had found your site a lot earlier, it provides great insight. Thank you again."
Brian Osborne, Australia
"Sorry about the subscription problem. I am already certain that I am going to be a subscriber when the trail is up. Keep up the good work."
Tony, CA USA
"Your work is definately the best reconstruction of Bayer ever done and is well demonstrated by the fact it works. It is a testament to your dedication and insight that you ever came to your conclusions. You have my admiration for all your hard work."
Dr Ed Ellis MA USA
"Notice how today, Nov Beanss had their low @ LEC, never traded below, and went up to 906. They have close, but not settled yet; the last is 901 3/4. Visualising the action on the chart allowed confidence in being long, as the beans did not break LEC. A fantastic service!"
Dr Paul B NY USA
"Please do cancel my membership with you effective today as I am no Longer in the market and am working overseas. I do thank you very much and please do keep uo the good job."
Cliff M, TX USA